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Canon 70D vs Nikon D7100 Epic Shootout Comparison | Which camera to buy?

Canon 70D vs Nikon D7100 Epic Shootout Comparison | Which camera to buy?

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Very Much Worth Watching in 1080p! Please subscribe & share if you would like to see epic shootouts like this!

Had such a positive response from my last Epic Shootout, that I took the opportunity to do one on the Canon 70D and Nikon D7100, testing the most important functions of each camera in a head to head comparison. I spend a lot of time on the opening sequence so you guys know this is a piece of work that is important to me and not one that I take lightly. I know all shooters are very passionate about their respective brands and I want to be as fair and unbiased as possible, so I hope you enjoy the Epic Movie Teaser Opening and especially results I share in this shootout.

As always, I am sure there will be plenty of criticism and scrutiny about my tests, so if you have comments or recommendations I would love to hear them, I sincerely want to improve what I am doing. Something I try to do on all my videos is to show the actual evidence on how I came to the conclusions I did, instead of just reading sheet specs or basing my conclusions on opinions. If you disagree with me, I can respect that too, just please show / explain why you feel the way you do with data. (Trolls and fanboy comments, not so much lol).

If there are mistakes I have made & I imagine there will be, I will do my best to point these mistakes out. I am making a very serious effort to improve the quality of both the information and method of presenting, so I thank you for your support!

One thing I failed to mention was how much FUN the 70D is to shoot. It really is a very enjoyable shooting experience.

I’ve been shooting with the Nikon D7100 for several months now and love it. My Crash Course Training Tutorial Video on the D7100, can be found here:

The Canon 70D Crash Course Training Tutorial Video Download is now available here:

* Michael The Maven is a participant in the B&H Photo affiliate program that provides an advertising commission if you purchase through these links.

Purchase the Canon 70D:

Purchase the Nikon D7100:

I also have a full line up of training videos on both Canon and Nikon Products which can be found here:

The opening sequence was shot with a Canon 5Diii and a Glidecam 4000. It takes a lot of practice to get smooth shots and I know I have plenty of room to improve.

The Music is “You Were Born for this” by Epic Score and used with permission and licensing through Epic Score makes some absolutely awesome music, you can find it on itunes here: and the credits are given at the end of the video.

If you are interested in getting either Camera, here are the links:

Canon 70D:

Nikon D7100:

Ill be making notes here, on my blog and on the video as questions arise. Thanks again!