Nikon D750 vs Canon 5Diii Epic Shootout Review | Which camera to buy? | Tutorial Training
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Many of you have asked about the Dynamic Range Tests & if there was a mix up. There wasn’t. The methodology section is talking about HOW it is done. If there are any doubts, you can see the original tests here, including EXIF DATA: – includes the D750 vs 5Diii vs 7Dii
The opening music is called “Sinister Intent” by Danny Locke and it was licensed through – he does some spectacular work and I hope to license more of his music in the future. The stead-cam shots were all done with the Canon 5Diii on a glide-cam 4000.
First off, you should know the Canon 5Diii is my workhorse camera. I used it nearly every single day I shoot. There is something about the look of the image itself I still ove, and it is very easy to use. I don’t think that will change too much in the immediate future.
When I originally started testing the Nikon D750 I was just super impressed with the still images coming out of it, there was a look and a sharpness that was noticeable and I found myself wanting to use it more and more. Eventually I came to the conclusion that the D750 was very different than the D600/610 based on image quality alone and it actually lined up very well against Canon’s 5Diii. Despite using both cameras regularly since their release, I knew that it would be impossible to say for sure which one was better and how, unless I did an Epic Shootout on them. I believe you will find many of the results surprising. This video represents a good 3-4 weeks of testing and production, so just know I do not take my Epic Shootouts lightly. Many of the tests were performed several times.
In the end, your skills as a photographer are going to be much more important than the camera you are using, if you are struggling to learn you camera, I have you covered:
My Nikon D750 Tutorial Training Video Can be ordered here:
My Canon 5Diii Tutorial Training Video can be ordered here:
All of my Canon and Nikon training tutorial products:
Michael approved, Affordable Travel Tripod:
* Michael The Maven is a participant in the B&H Photo affiliate program that provides an advertising commission if you purchase through these links.
You can order the Canon 5Diii from here:
You can order the Nikon D750 from here:
Other gear includes:
Nikon 24-70 2.8 –
Canon 24-70 2.8 L II-
Glide-cam 4000:
Dynamic Range Test Methodology:
Sony A7s vs Lumix GH4 Epic Shootout:
Thank you your likes, shares and especially for your continued support!
1:08 Intro With Features and Specs
5:33 Servo Sports Test
8:28 High Speed Burst Buffer Performance
10:30 Low Light Focus Test
12:26 ISO Tests
14:10 Dynamic Range
16:36 Video ISO Noise
17:04 Rolling Shutter
17:22 Morie
18:05 High Dynamic Range
19:12 – Portrait Test
21:13 – Side Notes
23:08 – Conclusion
25:30 – Note for Video Shooters